
Thursday 8 September 2011

The Magic Night in Photoshop

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This lesson will show to you as by means of simple actions to create a beautiful and interesting collage.

how from a simple photo to make beautiful collage in Photoshop CS2
how from a simple photo to make beautiful collage in Photoshop CS2
how from a simple photo to make beautiful collage in Photoshop CS2
how from a simple photo to make beautiful collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 1. We begin with a basis of our collage - the background. I have found a photo of the cloudless sky of emerald color. It ideally suits: we only have to cut out a superfluous bottom part. We do it, using Crop Tool.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 2. We will do a reflection; therefore we need to increase the size of the canvas. We open menuImage - Canvas Size, and we increase the factor “height” twice. When the sheet will increase in height, we will transfer a background upward.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 3. We do the duplicate of a layer and reflect it across. We have to get a symmetric reflection of a picture.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 4. In menu Image - Adjustments - Color Balance we will change adjustments, as it is shown on pictures. Reflection will get bright orange color.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 5. We Merge Down the layers. Then we choose Burn Tool, and we black out the area where pictures incorporate.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 6. In menu Image - Adjustments - Brightness/Contrasts we put adjustments as on the picture.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 7. Let’s improve quality of the sky which was impaired a little after correction of color and contrast. We do a copy of a layer with the background, and we work with filter Blur - Gaussian Blur.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 8. Let’s lower Opacity of the layer up to 50 %.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 9. Using Eraser tool, we will erase the layer in the places which cover trees, to return to them clearness. As a result we should receive the same picture, only with the better sky.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 10. Now we will work with a planet. We will copy a picture and insert it on a new layer. We will change the size on necessary and after this place it above trees, at the left.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 11. In adjustments of a layer we have to put Screen that the background of this planet became transparent.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 12. We use Dodge Tool (Range - HighlightsExposure - 90-100 %) to clarify that part of the planet on which light falls. It will make its brighter and attractive.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 13. We choose a usual Brush and, changing the size from 3 up to 1 pixel, we draw stars. Do not overdo. Too many stars will be looked not so.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 14. Let’s make the duplicate of a layer, we will low Opacity up to 50 % and we will apply to it filterGaussian Blur. It will create an effect of an easy luminescence of stars and planet.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 15. Now, when the top part is ready, it is time to work with clouds. For this purpose we’ll take a suitable texture of clouds also we will insert it on a new layer. We change the size and an arrangement so, that it exactly would cover the bottom part of the collage.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 16. We change layer style on Overlay.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 17. We make the same actions with the top part. But this time we take other texture, less cloudy. It will create an interesting effect.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 18. Mode of this layer we’ll change to Overlay too.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 19. Let’s change Fill of both layers to 50 %. So textures will be entered more gently.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 20. Now we change Adjustments of Brightness (-10) and Contrast (+10).
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 21. It will be quite good to make highlights of the planet on the bottom reflection, as if it will be on water. For this purpose we will copy our heavenly body and we will reflect it on a vertical.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 22. By means of Smudge Tool we will spread it, as on picture
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 23. After spreading it became much dimmer. We will correct it by means of Dodge Tool (Highlights, 100 %).
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 24. By means of a simple brush with Opacity of 70 %, we will add some patches of reflected light.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 25. Well, if the planet is reflected, so and stars should be reflected. We will copy them and reflect on a vertical.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 26. Last touch. We choose Dodge tool (Highlights, 50 %), and we clarify background in areas where the planet and its reflection is located.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
Step 27. By means of Burn Tool (Midtones, 50 %) we black out the edges of our canvas.
create a beautiful and interesting collage in Photoshop CS2
The collage is ready! Use your imagination, I have shown to you technical details.


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